As in most stories of interest, it all started a long time ago…

We are located in the region of Veneto, at Maser to be precise, an Italian municipality of 5070 inhabitants in Treviso province, where ancient villages and the surrounding countryside emanate a fragrance of vineyards, vegetable gardens and orchards and nature regales views of untamed beauty.

It is here, in a large farmhouse that the Bordin brothers were born. Like many families of farm workers at that time, the Bordin family had worked the land for generations as tenants – the land which, in this case, belonged to the Opera Pia di Antonio Canova di Possagno -, with the help of day-labourers.

After years of sacrifice and hard work, in the early 1900s, the grandparents of the Bordin bothers achieved their dream of purchasing a piece of land located at Trevignano, in via Castellana.

Since then, a lot of water has gone under the bridge and many things have changed but what remains intact today are the typical traditions and flavours of our products which are still grown and processed in the same fields.

In 2014, moved by a desire to offer hospitality, the family transformed the estate into a welcoming holiday farm where it is possible to enjoy the cuisine, products and atmosphere of this rather special place: the Zapparè holiday farm.